
Our carbon removal certificates are ONCRA certified


Our carbon removal certificates are ONCRA certified


Our carbon removal certificates are ONCRA certified

Our CO₂ removal projects

Compensate your emissions and make an impact.

Buy your CO₂ certificates today and support bamboo farmers.

Compensate your emissions and make an impact.
Buy your CO₂ certificates today and support bamboo farmers.

Our CO₂ removal projects

Compensate your emissions and make an impact.

Buy your CO₂ certificates today and support bamboo farmers.

All our projects are





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Anti- greenwashing

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Start removing CO₂ with verified carbon certificates.

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from 1 of our Carbon Advisors!

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from 1 of our Carbon Advisors!

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from 1 of our Carbon Advisors

Let us guide you with your contribution to a more sustainable world

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Get a free quotation
from 1 of our Carbon Advisors

Let us guide you with your contribution to a more sustainable world

Request your quotation here

How does it work?

Bamboo is more than just removing CO₂

What makes bamboo stand out compared to other crops?


Don't worry, we've got the answers to your remaining questions!


Don't worry, we've got the answers to your remaining questions!

Carbon removal, bamboo & positive impact

What is natural carbon removal?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is natural carbon removal?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Does offsetting help to reverse climate change?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Does offsetting help to reverse climate change?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why is bamboo a champion in removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why is bamboo a champion in removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why is bamboo farming sustainable?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why is bamboo farming sustainable?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is the difference between 'credits and 'certificates'?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is the difference between 'credits and 'certificates'?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why are carbon removal certificates "anti-greenwashing"?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why are carbon removal certificates "anti-greenwashing"?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Carbon removal, bamboo & positive impact

What is natural carbon removal?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Does offsetting help to reverse climate change?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why is bamboo a champion in removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why is bamboo farming sustainable?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is the difference between 'credits and 'certificates'?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Why are carbon removal certificates "anti-greenwashing"?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Buying certificates & ONCRA

Buying certificates & ONCRA

How does the buying process work?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

How does the buying process work?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What happens with the revenues of my certificates?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What happens with the revenues of my certificates?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What are the costs for buyers?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What are the costs for buyers?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

How can I be sure that removal actually will take place when I buy Bamboo CRC?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

How can I be sure that removal actually will take place when I buy Bamboo CRC?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Can I have more information about my chosen removal project?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Can I have more information about my chosen removal project?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What does ONCRA stand for?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What does ONCRA stand for?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is different about ONCRA compared to for example Verra, or Gold Standard?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is different about ONCRA compared to for example Verra, or Gold Standard?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Do ONCRA Carbon Removal Credits account for more than carbon?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Do ONCRA Carbon Removal Credits account for more than carbon?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Are these credits regulated?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Are these credits regulated?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Buying certificates & ONCRA

How does the buying process work?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What happens with the revenues of my certificates?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What are the costs for buyers?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

How can I be sure that removal actually will take place when I buy Bamboo CRC?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Can I have more information about my chosen removal project?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What does ONCRA stand for?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

What is different about ONCRA compared to for example Verra, or Gold Standard?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Do ONCRA Carbon Removal Credits account for more than carbon?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Are these credits regulated?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

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